Dedicated Servers at Amazing Prices
Dedicated Hosting
Plan Name - Coupon Code - Discount/Offer
Elite - AugElite09 - Free Setup and a 5% Discount - Over $50.00 in Savings
Supreme - AugSupreme09 - Free Setup and a 7% Discount - Over $50.00 in Savings
ForteDuo - AugForteDuo09 - Free Setup and a 10% Discount - Over $50.00 in Savings
Virtual Private Servers
Plan Name - Coupon Code - Discount/Offer
Linux L-Series - AugLVPS09 - 5% Discount
Windows W-Series - AugWVPS09 - 5% Discount
Windows V-Series - AugVVPS09 - 5% Discount
Plan Name - Coupon Code - Discount/Offer
Any Colocation - AugColo09 - 7% Discount
I don't know if Pandela is part of UltraHosting or affiliated in any way, but i find it interesting that their coupons for August 2009 are identical and that's why I am going to list them below.
50% Off Virtual Private Server Hosting!
Virtual Private Servers
Plan Name - Coupon Code - Discount/Offer
Linux L-Series - AugLVPS09 - 5% Discount
Windows W-Series - AugWVPS09 - 5% Discount
Windows V-Series - AugVVPS09 - 5% Discount